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Rachael Stormonth

Rachael is Executive Vice President, Research, at NelsonHall. She has global responsibility for research programs including the flagship Vendor Intelligence Program, which delivers the most comprehensive vendor intelligence in the form of Key Vendor Assessments, Quarterly Updates, and Daily Vendor Tracker. She also consults widely with NelsonHall clients.

Known for her no-nonsense style and ability to get the heart of complex issues, Rachael is sought after by clients for a variety of custom research and advisory engagements, including one-on-one advisory sessions with C-level executives in the leading IT services companies. She is widely recognized to have:

  • Deep knowledge of key vendors in both the ITS and BPS industries, including individual vendors' specific capabilities, strategies and performance
  • A close understanding of, and well-founded insights into, the commercial and business significance of current developments in the ITS and BPS markets, combined with a realistic view of how current trends and disruptions will play out over the next few years
  • Well-informed insights into global developments in both ITS and BPS contracts.

This extensive knowledge and insight is of key value in helping clients with their sourcing strategies. She is also frequently sought after to present her insights to larger audiences, and is a regular speaker on the global outsourcing and IT services conference circuits.

Rachael is a regular blogger, for which she has gained a large readership and following due to her ability to cut through industry hype and 'tell it as it is'.

Rachael joined NelsonHall in September 2001, prior to which she gained rich experience as a senior educator, strategy consultant, client services executive, sales and marketing executive in the IT sector, and senior manager in the public sector. Her academic qualifications include a MBA (distinction) from Warwick University and a BA from Nottingham University.

When she is not working, Rachael enjoys, as a spectator, a wide variety of sports. Her own sporting activities are now reduced to running (in good weather), walking (in all weathers) and Pilates - though good intentions to resurrect others remain.

Contact Rachael Stormonth

Only NelsonHall clients have access to our analysts and advisors for their expert advice and opinion. To find out more about how NelsonHall's analysts and sourcing advisors can assist you with your strategy and engagements, please contact our sales department here.

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